
Department of Public Health

Our department was founded by Prof. Dr. Sevin Ergin in 1982. Since then developing, it became one of the largest departments in this field throughout the country. It has nine academicians, nearly thirty post graduate, bachelor and medicine specialty students. Experince and studies of our scholars focus on the fields of epidemiology, health management, work health, woman health and environmental health. During the active education period beginning in 1997 our department adopted a social based education method focusing on the public health. To this aim, beginning from the first class it pursues a program which introduces health problems and health system of the country and is enriched with field studies in each term.

The activities held by our department focusing on innovations and teamwork in the field of training and research have been welcomed throughout the country. One of these is HASAT course which is for the assistants applied from all faculties since 2003 annually. Another one is BAK study which we began in cooperation with the Balcova Municipality and is a project aimed to preserve the heart health. In all congresses where we shared the results of this study, our presentations were rewarded. We are pleased to be a department which produces science in the warm and hot climate of the Aegean and which educates individuals who are aware of the country problems in the health field and who are equipped with the necessary knowledge and competence to solve them.